Friday, November 13, 2009

"The Videomakers" at Silverdocs

We've just released our first official bonus feature: "The Videomakers at Silverdocs," where we hit the famous documentary festival to find out how filmmakers and fans feel about Lowball Productions, The Hysteria Channel, the prison makeover show, "Chefs Behind Bars," and "Pets of the Third Reich." Our co-producer/assistant director Jimmy Cooney shot this during the Silverdocs festival in June of 2009. We'll also be adding this and other bonus features to our Videomakers website. Next up: An interview with actress Gia Mora, who plays Cheri on the show.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Videomakers on Funny or Die

Episode 1 and the Trailer of "The Videomakers" is now on Funny or Die, the site founded by Will Ferrell and his comedian friends. Viewers can vote whether the Video is Funny or whether it should Die. So far, we're doing pretty well. Feel free to go on the site and vote. We're hoping you'll vote "Funny." But if you should vote, "Die," we don't wanna know about it.